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Retrieve external sources using Linguee Translation API


linguee_external_sources(query, src, dst, limit = 5)



The word or phrase for which you want to retrieve external sources.


The source language of the word or phrase. Accepts language codes such as "en", "es", "fr", etc.


The target language for the external source retrieval. Accepts language codes such as "en", "es", "fr", etc.


The maximum number of external sources to retrieve. Defaults to 5.


A dataframe of external sources with columns: src, dst, src_url, dst_url.

See also

linguee_word_translation, linguee_translation_examples


# \donttest{
linguee_external_sources(query = "hello", src = "en", dst = "es")
#> # A tibble: 27 × 4
#>    src                                                     dst   src_url dst_url
#>    <chr>                                                   <chr> <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 "Hello, my name is Maitri [...] and I just moved to th… "Hol… http:/… http:/…
#>  2 "Hello, I have just tested your service and I must say… "Bue… http:/… http:/…
#>  3 "I therefore believe that a standardised portal along … "Por… http:/… http:/…
#>  4 "Hello, Just a word to let [...] you know how satisfie… "Hol… http:/… http:/…
#>  5 "After all, whenever she visits the classrooms [...] w… "Des… http:/… http:/…
#>  6 "The man joins and [...] woman and men say: hello."     "El … http:/… http:/…
#>  7 "When living abroad, even [...] a stranger saying, \"H… "Cua… http:/… http:/…
#>  8 "Could we find a more user-friendly [...] name, such a… "¿No… http:/… http:/…
#>  9 "Hello, I would like to request [...] information of t… "Hol… http:/… http:/…
#> 10 "Another picks up a banana, holds it to his ear like a… "Otr… http:/… http:/…
#> # ℹ 17 more rows
# }